2023 / Design & Development / Landing Page
Sukūrėme platformą, kuri leidžia atrasti, parduoti arba nuomoti nekilnojamąjį turtą, mėgaujantis aukščiausios klasės paslaugomis, išskirtiniu aptarnavimu bei individualiu dėmesiu kiekvienam klientui.
2023 / Design & Development / Landing Page
Designed and developed a newly launched website for KORB.TV, an elite design and VFX boutique, which collaborates directly with internationally renowned brands in advertising, television, visual arts, and installation (ex. NIKE, GUCCI, HUBLOT, HBO, and more)
2023 / Design & Development / Tumblr Blog
Designed and developed a theme for a Tumblr blog celebrating its 12th anniversary.
2023 / Design & Development / Landing Page
Designed a landing page (LP) for Dave's Agency—a team of highly experienced digital marketers. The design concept focused on delivering a fresh and contemporary aesthetic, upgrading their previous LP with a clean and trending touch.
2023 / Design / Landing Page
Designed a SaaS-based platform (management and client-side) to ensure a smooth process for booking and managing services.
2023 / Design / SaaS
Designed a SaaS-based platform (management and client-side) to ensure a smooth process for booking and managing services.
2022 / Design & Development / Landing Page
Jūra, lėtai besileidžianti saulė, minkštas smėlis po kojomis ir euforijos jausmas, kuris užplūsta atpalaidavus kūną ir mintis — tai patirtis, kurią suteikia Jūros pirtys.
2023 / Design / SaaS
Designed a SaaS-based platform (management and client-side) to ensure a smooth process for booking and managing services.
2023 / Design & Development / Landing Page
Prototechnika jau daugiau nei 30 metų sėkmingai kuria, vysto ir diegia tiražuojamas ir individualiai modifikuojamas verslo valdymo sistemas, kuriose kiekvienas individualus pokytis išsaugomas naujose programos versijose.
2023 / Design / DMS
Dokumentų valdymo sistema sukurta siekiant efektyviai ir patogiai tvarkyti bei organizuoti įvairius dokumentus. Jos dizainas yra naudingas ir intuityvus, leidžiantis vartotojams lengvai naršyti, ieškoti ir redaguoti dokumentus. Pagrindiniai funkcionalumai apima failų įkėlimą, kategorizavimą, paiešką, versijų kontrolę ir bendradarbiavimo galimybes.
2022 / Design / App Concept
Your personal AI companion designed to enhance your daily life. From providing helpful reminders to engaging in entertaining conversations, AI Companion is here to assist you every step of the way.
2022 / Design / Landing Page
With its captivating design and user-friendly interface, the page showcases the innovative features of the Effecto app. From tracking personal contributions to joining collective initiatives, Effecto empowers users to make a positive difference in the world.
2022 / Design & Development / Funnel
The Effecto app funnel is a dynamic and engaging journey designed to guide users seamlessly through the process of discovering, exploring, and ultimately purchasing products or services offered by Effecto. At the forefront of this funnel is a captivating quiz experience, where users are prompted to answer tailored questions to identify their specific needs, preferences, or interests. Leveraging this personalized data, the funnel then directs users to curated recommendations or solutions that best match their individual requirements.
2022 / Design / Application
I designed the Effecto app, one of the most advanced chronic condition trackers available. This app was named the best chronic illness tracker by the Swiss MDPI JAL evidence-based journal.
2022 / Design / Landing Page
Primitive Rhythms is your go-to destination for all things related to music news and articles, catering to the rhythm enthusiasts and music aficionados alike. Delve into a world where beats and melodies converge, where every article pulsates with the latest updates on your favorite artists, upcoming releases, and industry trends.
2022 / Design / AI Concept
Not like other chatbots that respond with pre-structured phrases, Fleming AI Therapist will communicate through an end-to-end encrypted dialogue system, ensuring one of a kind response and an individualized solution to each customer's unique emotional concern.
2021 / Design / Concept
Nova.Health is a pioneering platform that aims to revolutionize healthcare through the integration of the Metaverse. Although the page is currently unavailable, Nova.Health was envisioned as a groundbreaking initiative at the intersection of virtual reality (VR) technology and healthcare.
2021 / Design / Application
I designed the Fleming app to meet the requirements of the EU Fund project, “Automated artificial intelligence identification of potential disease platform and centralized database of all diseases and symptoms”.
2021 / Design / Landing Page
Fleming landing page serves as the gateway to a revolutionary healthcare management solution. With a sleek and intuitive design, the landing page introduces visitors to the Fleming app's innovative features, designed to streamline healthcare administration, enhance patient care, and improve overall efficiency for healthcare professionals.
2021 / Design / PDF
The Fleming's Report 2021 is a comprehensive overview of key trends, insights, and advancements in the healthcare industry. This meticulously crafted report delves into various aspects of healthcare, ranging from technological innovations to policy changes, and their impact on patient care and healthcare delivery.
2021 / Design / Landing Page
Every stage of the funnel, from landing to payment, was created to help users understand how the product works and what advantages they receive.
2021 / Design / Dashboard
Web App and Dashboard design concepts for users & licensed therapists.
2021 / Design / Web Application
Web App and Dashboard design concepts for users & licensed therapists.
2021 / Design / Application
Designed a DoMental, an online therapy app where users can chat with a licensed therapist throughout the week and receive help and guidance for everyday worries and mental health issues.
2021 / Design / Concept
LookPeace is a concept of comprehensive online platform designed to help individuals find, compare, and review healthcare providers. Users can search for doctors, dentists, therapists, and other medical professionals based on location, specialty, insurance accepted, and patient reviews.
2021 / Design / Slack Integration
Say hello to DoMental, your mental health and engagement reporting tool, now integrated directly into Slack.
2020 / Design / Dashboard
Designed a Dashboard using Material-UI DS for B2B Corporate Wellness clients.
2020 / Design / Application
Latest Lympo app features, such as User Statistics, Wallet Transactions, and Rewarded Learning. I've also improved the UX of the User Onboarding, Home Feed, Daily Health Tasks, Fitness Challenges, Leaderboard, and more.
2020 / Design / App Feature
Designed a Quarantine App: Self-Isolation/Symptoms Assessment/Bluetooth tracking. Created a symptom identification and calculation logic according to the level of COVID-19 symptoms while working in collaboration with Kauno Klinikos and the National Public Health Service under the Ministry of Health (NVSC).
2020 / Design / App Feature
Karantinas is an innovative COVID-19 app designed to empower individuals and communities in managing the pandemic effectively. At its core, Karantinas integrates Bluetooth tracking technology to provide users with real-time insights into potential exposure to the virus.
2019 / Design / Presentation
Proposed the Together Tab of the Samsung Health app, which was presented to the Samsung Team by the CEO and CSO of Lympo.